Night of the Ghoul #3

Writer: Scott Snyder Artist: Francesco Francavilla Publisher: ComiXology Originals Release Date: December 22, 2021 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 10
9.1Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

Filmmaker T.F. Merrit has spent decades confined in a retirement facility, which he claims is ran by The Order of the Fly, a cult organization from his very own movie. And as the night goes on, Forest Inmann and his son Orson find themselves falling deeper into his cinematic nightmare.

The writer and artist behind Batman: The Black Mirror reunite to shed light on a celluloid artifact once thought forever missing, perhaps with good reason…

Part of the comiXology Originals line of exclusive digital content only available on comiXology and Kindle. Read for free as part of your subscription to comiXology Unlimited, more

  • 9.6
    You Don't Read Comics - David Harth Dec 22, 2021

    Night Of The Ghoul continues to impress. Snyder and Francavilla are creating an amazing horror story with this one. Any fan of good horror comics should be reading it. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    The Super Powered Fancast - Deron Generally Dec 22, 2021

    Francavilla delivers some beautiful visuals on every page of this issue. Not only are the scenes interesting and scary at times, but there are subtle background images that enhance the dark nature of the story. Read Full Review

  • 9.0 - Nicole Drum Dec 22, 2021

    One of the interesting things about Night of the Ghoul is that it refers to the issues as "episodes" and it's truly fitting considering that each new installment of this horror story is both complete and offers just a bit more to the larger tale of terror that is unfolding. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    COMICON - Olly MacNamee Dec 22, 2021

    ‘Night of the Ghoul' #3 continues to capture the horror of classic Silver screen creature features with more tension being ramped up with this recent issue and the introduction of the creepy Dr Skeen. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Graphic Policy - Ricardo Denis Dec 29, 2021

    Night of the Ghoul #3 isnt afraid to dump scary things on readers laps and then leaving it up to them to process it. Its horrors are out in the open, so were left to contend with how terrifying things are and how terrifying they can get. In a time where puzzle box mysteries dominate the playing field, Snyder and Francavilla are setting up their own rules and making people engage with the story on their terms. Thankfully, those terms are yielding results, paving the way for more scary things to be gleefully afraid of as they make themselves known. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Lotusland Comics - Hank Rea Dec 23, 2021

    'Night of the Ghoul' continues to be the jewel of the Comixology Snyderverse with a riveting and intense horror story. There's a constant sense of unease that induces goosebumps without even revealing the monster at the heart of the story. It's a story of madness, obsession, and deception. The worst horrors are yet to come and we can't wait for it. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Dec 21, 2021

    There's an unmistakable give and take going on inNight of the Ghoul that satisfies readers while also keeping us in the dark. The idea of the Ghoul is further fleshed out in Night of the Ghoul#3, making for a satisfying chapter while also developing its main characters so that they are all the more real. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Dec 28, 2021

    There's a lot of good stuff going on here, especially the brief but critical moments we get between Orson and his father over what Orson's mother is going through and how that changes the course of the investigation. There's a lot of familiar movements here in how Forest and the director handle their discussion but it's executed well with the art style while the material set in the past is interesting just to build up the lore of the Ghoul, even if it is again a familiar and kind of generic thing in a way. The execution is what's driving this more than the actual story because it is a familiar thing, but it's done so well and with enough hooks to draw you in that you want to see it unfold and have some kind of hope for the characters, especially for the younger ones like Alex and Orson. Read Full Review

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