Census #1
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Census #1

Writer: Marc Bernardin Artist: Adam Freeman Publisher: ComiXology Originals Release Date: September 14, 2022 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 1
9.0Critic Rating
5.0User Rating

Liam Malone gets his first real job...counting demons for the Underworld census. But can he keep his job? His life? Most importantly, can he keep his pants? Find out now!

  • 10
    But Why Tho? - Collier "CJ" Jennings Sep 17, 2022

    Census #1 infuses supernatural elements into its workplace comedy setup, resulting in a wild, weird look at the millennial struggle.Though attention may be on big-budget streaming shows when it comes to the fantasy genre,Census proves that the comic genre holds stories that are just as great asThe Rings of Power or House of the Dragon. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Lotusland Comics - Hank Rea Sep 15, 2022

    'Census' is an engaging new supernatural series that's thoroughly charming and genuinely funny.   Read Full Review

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