From the creator of the upcoming Sci-Fi Network series Eureka! The expedition to a mysterious island gets more desperate now. With options rapidly narrowing, our team begins to fall victim to the creatures on the island. What is their secret? What's the truth behind Island X and the mysteries that it holds? The second exciting chapter in a new Jurassic Park-styled adventure with a dark, mysterious, horrific core!
So, why the rating? While the criticisms may seem rather small, and they are, they kept me from enjoying this issue to its fullest. There just werent any hooks to keep me interested enough to read the first issue or the next issues. Read Full Review
Boom! Studios reminds me quite a bit of the late Crossgen: quality creators working on a variety of genres with worthy artists, like Greg Scott here, who would make wonderful comics if each series wasnt an empty attempt to mimic a particular genre without having anything new to say. Even the meaningless title, X Isle, seems like nothing more than a cheap grab for brand recognition. But, you know, maybe Michael Bay would be proud. Read Full Review