An uneasy alliance has been forged between Captain Kirk and Colonel Taylor! But will it be enough to prevent Commander Kor and his Klingons from toppling the regime of Doctor Zaius?
Lovely issue. NEED MORE! Pick this up! Read Full Review
It's silly, slightly melodramatic, and a heck of a lot of fun. Read Full Review
As this book is four issues old; I would have expected to be at this point sooner. It's only towards the end do we see Klingons and their plan and if it come to fruition, it should kick start the action. The trick for the next issue may well be to help the reader differentiate between the various Ape factions. Whilst there is enough for fans of both franchises to enjoy, the alluded to action should help liven up the pace, which to this point has been, at least in the issue a tad slow. Read Full Review