The Omega Rangers travel back to Safehaven to keep an eye on the rest of the galaxy, while Eternity Point falls under the supervision of a new assistant.
As the Blue Emissary departs and the remains of three Emissaries are laid to rest, the universe seems relatively safe for now, but how long can that last?
Awe inspiring and visually fantastic. The creative team has created a book which is continually breathtaking to read. Even if you aren't a Power Rangers fan you should be reading this! Read Full Review
"Eltarian War" delivered in more ways than one, and this sends the grand story out on a high note. Read Full Review
Ryan Parrott has been such a gift to the Power Rangers comics, helming both this series andMighty Morphin and crafting two incredible joint storylines.The Eltarian War is his big send-off, and I have a feeling this one will go down in Ranger history as one of the top events alongsideShattered Grid. Read Full Review
This issue would be worth it for any one of the big moments, but it's really Skull's moment in the sun that puts this issue over the top. Read Full Review
The character work, art and colors of this issue shine and carry us through the many farewells. This issue does not quite have the energy of the prior but that is to be expected in an epilogue issue. It is a great ending to a solid Power Rangers epic, and hopefully the beginning of much more. Read Full Review