In this close look at The Solar Rangers featuring acclaimed artist Valeria Favoccia (Stranger Things: Afterschool Adventures), the spreading infection of the Morphin Grid threatens their world in the distant reaches of space.
In a call that feels nearly impossible to make, their leader, the Purple Solar Ranger, must take drastic steps to keep them safe.
However, some unexpected visitors will complicate things...
As Dark Specters infection reaches the Void, Ellarians dwindling hope drives her toward action that could derail Billy's plan to heal the universe in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #120. Read Full Review
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #120 features a welcome return of concepts and characters for longtime fans, especially if you loved "Beyond the Grid" (which this writer very much did). Read Full Review
A return to the worst BOOM! Power Rangers story does not go as poorly this time around. Entertaining largely self-contained issue. Read Full Review
This creative team has done an impressive job of incorporating so much of Rangers' rich history into this grand finale (a massive undertaking to say the least), and I'm glad that we got to celebrate these characters once again as we near the end of BOOM's current Mighty Morphin Power Rangers incarnation. The Solar Rangers and their world are a welcomed addition to the franchise, and I look forward to seeing how they fit into the final chapters of the Darkest Hour. Read Full Review
My heart has been broken many times by this arch. I want to see the finality, I want to see how this is fixed, but when will we see the payoff? When will we see the story progression? My hope is that this will read better in a trade collection. I just wish Boom just released this in a trade. Read Full Review
While this does not take away from how great Darkest Hour has been this is easily the weakest chapter of the later Power Rangers event. Read Full Review