THE NEW RULER OF HELL REVEALED! One must volunteer, or Hell will choose for itself. The two most recent Hell Priests are missing -- Kirsty Cotton and Elliott Spencer have abdicated their thrones, and there is someone new in their place. Did this new leader choose the role? How will Leviathan respond? Clive Barker, Brandon Seifert, and Tom Garcia continue to usher in the next chapter of HELLRAISER!
Highly recommended for horror fans, Hellraiser: The Dark Watch #3 breathes new life into the franchise, while welcoming in newcomers. I'm definitely interested in seeing what direction "The Dark Watch" series will take after this. Read Full Review
Sometimes in these books I feel like things happen just because they do and it feels a bit disjointed and odd but, this isn't supposed to be a book for those looking for a particularly compelling story. It's a reason to check in on Clive Barker`s classic monsters and the blood splattered world they inhabit with a bit of story and drama thrown in for good measure. And on that front it succeeds. I do not doubt any fans will have major complaints, I know I don`t. This is a decent niche book that's average at narrative, okay at art and good at gore and monsters. And that's all it really needs to be. Read Full Review