Go Go Power Rangers #30

Writer: Ryan Parrott, Sina Grace Artist: Francesco Mortarino Publisher: Boom! Studios Release Date: March 11, 2020 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 5
7.7Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

LORD ZEDD sets his eyes on something he is sure will defeat the Power Rangers, and unleashes his full force to obtain in. With Jason, Trini and Zack encountering a new threat of their own as OMEGA RANGERS, Tommy must lead Kimberly and Billy into battle at half-power with disastrous consequences.

  • 9.0
    Beyond The Panel - Jideobi Odunze Mar 11, 2020

    Go Go Power Rangers #30 did not disappoint one bit in giving us the best of both worlds from two different storylines. Following the Omega Rangers in space is quite the experience so far, and Lord Zedd continues to prove that he is a force to be reckoned with when someone has something he wants. That he could give Promethea and half the Rangers a run for their money was the best way to make the statement that he is not to be taken lightly. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Comic Crusaders - M.R. Jafri Mar 12, 2020

    Ryan Parrott and Sina Grace share the writing duties for this issue and overall execute the dialogue, action and story-telling incredibly well. While this remains the more traditional book and includes elements of everyday high schoolers and Finster's monsters attacking Angel Grove, it's always tough to keep these elements interesting. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Mar 14, 2020

    We've reached the point in Go Go Power Rangers where all of this is going, so the new issue feels a bit like filler. Good filler, but filler material nonetheless. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    ComicBook.com - Matthew Aguilar Mar 11, 2020

    Go Go Power Rangers #30 is still worth checking out, but don't expect to be floored. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    axdn Mar 12, 2020

    It was a great issue! I didn't see the twist at the end come!

  • 8.0

    I think I've been enjoying this series' take on "Necessary Evil" than MMPR's. It offers insight as to why Jason, Zack and Trini vanished except for battle sequences at that point in the series (When in actuality their actors left). The Hodgepodge hedgehog is a name so cheesy it's worthy of the original show, but the monster is worthy of comics as a badass. The attack on Promethea is also exciting. It could prove to be one of the Ranger's biggest battles yet. It's too bad Zedd isn't the kind to lead his troops into battle in person. That would be an exciting twist.
    I hear this series is due to end in a couple of issues, around when the original team is cut in half. Appropriate in ways, because I've always felt that was the point the ori more

  • 8.0
    mikesbr42 Mar 23, 2020

  • 7.5
    ed1138 Jan 1, 2023

  • 7.5
    Julhin Feb 8, 2021

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