Spike is determined to keep the last copy of his embarrassing poetry from being discovered, sending Buffy and the Scooby Gang on a faux-supernatural goose chase to New Orleans to cover his tracks.
At an antiques fair, the group is fascinated by The Casquette Girls' clothes on display.
When Dawn utters a wish she most likely should have kept to herself, the gang gains a firsthand account of the sisters' identities... beyond what they could have imagined.
Buffy, The Last Vampire Slayer writer Casey Gilly is joined by Golden Rage artist Lauren Knight, bringing fans a historically fun and frightful one-shot to sink thei more
Despite its flaws and inconsistencies, it does fulfill the brief of giving readers time with the ur-versions of these characters, and they feel authentic here. That'll be enough for some fans. Read Full Review
Die-hard Buffy fans may struggle to place The Lost Summer in continuity. But those willing to look part it will find a fun, classic comedy episode of Buffy The Vampire Slayer to explore. Read Full Review