The showdown between the Chimera and their hunters begins HERE!
Hannah and Regan, former victim and former member of the Chimera, arrive at an abandoned resort town in the mountains.
Even as the two women uncover and struggle with their shared past, the Chimera and their Faithful descend on the area.
To their surprise, Hannah has been waiting for their arrival, and the ensuing battle will have deadly consequences for those unprepared.
This all out war in this issue had some casualties. The "worshippers" fell into Hannah's meat grinder first and It's an odd tale of vengeance and a wife/mother who has prepared for a battle against self-proclaimed gods. This battle may have had casualties, but it appears that the survivors of the Chimera are going to teach the world a lesson. Read this comic on the edge of your seat as it is written for you to do so! Read Full Review
After three issues rising the tension we finally get the showdown we've been looking for and Bunn and Scharf do not disappoint. Sense related powers looked unbeatable until Hannah nullified them and the stakes are rising for the next issue where they set their sites on a bigger town in retaliation. Read Full Review
Basiliskcontinues to be an intriguing miniseries blending gore, horror, and fantasy elements into an action-packed fourth issue. This issue finally shows us Hannah can very much stand on her own, even against gods. It's a nice reminder of how genre is just a construct of the mind and when blended well it works wonderfully. Read Full Review
While I wish that we got to know more about Hannah, Basilisk is a solid entry into Boom's library at present. Read Full Review