Arcadia #6

Writer: Alex Paknadel Artist: Eric Scott Pfeiffer Publisher: Boom! Studios Release Date: October 28, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 3
8.6Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

Lee Pepper is taken to a meeting led by the charismatic Uncle Cosmas, who promises the sickly crowd that he can upload them to Arcadia. In Arcadia, Coral teaches Giacomo to code by torchlight.

  • 10
    Nerdophiles - Kylee Sills Nov 3, 2015

    The incredible work put into the first five issues continues to pay off as once again readers are given layered answers that lead down the rabbit hole of more questions. Paknadel does a fantastic job tying up certain lose ends, while unraveling new mysteries that still move the story along. Eric Scott Pfeiffer continues to effectively convey the slight differences between reality and Arcadia and gets to showcase some impressive action sequences this issue. One of my favorite scenes to date is the featured image for this entire article. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    BGCP - Jim Taylor Oct 29, 2015

    'Arcadia' continues to blend big ideas with great storytelling, and the long-awaited answers to its mysteries are both satisfying and intriguing. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Infinite Comix - Daniel Gehen Oct 30, 2015

    Arcadia #6 sees both the world of Arcadia and the Meat decaying under the weight of the strife between the two worlds. In the most basic terms, the conflict is a pissing match to determine which side will yield first at the expense of the everyday citizens caught in the middle. It is a cautionary tale that has been repeated ad nauseum over the years, only cleaned up for a new audience. The fact that a story like the one told in Arcadia can bee seen as both a cliche and wholly relevant is a damning indictment of our world today. Read Full Review

  • 7.6
    Multiversity Comics - Kevin McConnell Oct 30, 2015

    In a lot of ways, I looked at this as an allegory for the changing times in America. With progress, you have to look at the past through a filter. You do not want to ignore the bad stuff, but rather use it for a positive instead of a negative. “Arcadia” drives the point home with Pepper being the man for the job. His no-nonsense approach never comes off as grumpy, his commentary is simply to the point. He is likable because of that, even with his misgivings early in the story. Paknadel does attempt to make any grand statements with that, he sticks to the basics of human nature. “Arcadia” is one of those books that doesn't need to grab your attention with flash, the book wants you to think. When I did, I found that density of this world is ripe for interpretation and exploration. The present in “Arcadia” might be bleak, but the future is very bright. Read Full Review

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