Simpsons Comics #113

Writer: Ian Boothby Artist: John Costanza Publisher: Bongo Comics Critic Reviews: 1
10Critic Rating
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  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Dec 24, 2005

    Costanza, Novin and Villaneuva do not falter despite the myriad characters in the script--sometimes duplicated and without a copy and paste function. The art team on the first page brings displays their skill. In the Groening style, Bart imitates indy, and the line by Novin is smooth, contoured and subtly heightened to create the illusion of depth. Villanueva shadows the characters with a lighter shade to provide a more natural look that contrasts the cartoony anatomy. The book progresses, and the colors just expand and broaden to touch every bit of the spectrum while Costanza and Novin capture the Simpsons body language with expertly timed "D'oh!"s. Their attention to guest stars enhance the comedy. The running gag involving a particularly familiar individual would not work quite so well if Costanza and Novin had not imagined how that character would look an act for real. And hey, kids! Free poster. Read Full Review

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