ADVANCE REVIEW: 10th Muse: Revenge of Medusa #1Posted: Tuesday, July 5, 2011By: Felicity Gustafson Darren G. Davis, Chad RebmannAdam Ellis, Bobby Breed, Johnny Lowe (l)Bluewater Comics This a series that revolves around Greek mythology, so of course I was instantly interested. I've always been a big fan of mythologies in general, but Medusa's one of my favorites, so I jumped when I heard this was released. "Revenge of Medusa" is a miniseries spinoff from the 10th Muse, the story of Emma Sonnet, an ordinary girl who finds out her father is really Zeus and she's the 10th forgotten muse. Actually, 10th Muse was one of the biggest sellers back in 2000, so if you were reading comics 11 years ago, I'm going to assume you've at least heard of this series already. Read Full Review