Eternal #1
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Eternal #1

Writer: Eric Zawadzki, Ryan K Lindsay Artist: Eric Zawadzki Publisher: Black Mask Studios Release Date: January 31, 2018 Cover Price: $7.99 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 1
9.0Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

A group of isolated shieldmaidens protect their village against a tide of men who think they can take their land land from them. Vif takes her band of women off viking to quell the advances of a loitering mystical scumbag, Bjarte. But some battles rage on inside us long after the field is empty, and some opponents won't ever stay down. Eternal is a haunting story of how vulnerable you make yourself when trying to protect everything around you.

This oversized bande dessinee graphic novella is a love letter to brutal violence and eternal emotions. With hyperdetailed art and gorgeous fluid motion from artist Eric Zawadzki [hot off THE D more

  • 10
    Comicosity - Chris Campbell Jan 31, 2018

    Overall Eternal is a must read and must have for any comic book lover. It provides an experience that is deeper than just a one time read through. The creators have crafted a story experience that is tangible on multiple levels and enjoyable as well. It will be a book that the reader will be able to enjoy for a lifetime. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Doom Rocket - Jarrod Jones Jan 16, 2018

    That's what makes Eternal work so well. It's pure artistic collaboration, a showcase for three creators operating at the height of their powers. When I pored through these 48 pages of Eternal, with its breathtaking vistas, its moments of blissful yet tenuous peace, and its moments of heart-charging savagery, I couldn't help but marvel at how in sync everyone was. Lindsay sets up the scenario. Zawadski makes the fur fly. Cunniffe lets the blood scream across the page. And I was transported by it. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Outright Geekery - Frank Gogol Jan 29, 2018

    Enteral is a rare and special book"the kind of book that shows what an artist, a writer, and a colorist can create when arbitrary factors like page-counts and deadlines don't get in the way of the story; the kind of book that only happens when a creative team's vision and execution are truly unified; the kind of book that beats the breathe out of your chest and fills your heart at the same time. Read Full Review

  • 9.3
    Multiversity Comics - Matt Lune Feb 2, 2018

    A dark and graphic Viking ghost story thats instantly compelling and beautifully crafted. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Outright Geekery - William Pace Jan 31, 2018

    I've just become a fan of these three creators and hope to see more from them in the near future. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Comicsverse - Mara Danoff Feb 6, 2018

    ETERNAL is the perfect example of comic book storytelling: using the visual elements of the medium to tell a powerful tale. This beautiful ghostly tale is advanced with the stunning imagery of Scandinavia. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Black Nerd Problems - Lorenzo Simpson Jan 24, 2018

    Eternal is a powerful story about leadership and finding balance within. It's a very engaging read that takes the reader on a journey through the life of a Viking. You feel the crisp air of the village, the clang of swords on shields, the heavy breathing in the midst of battle. One critique of the story is that it would have been nice to have more shield maidens with speaking lines. Lady Vif is the main character, but other than the child, Grimr, none of the other women have any characterization. It was most likely a creative choice for the narrative to focus mainly on Vif, but it would be great if they continue the series to open the world up to the other Vikings. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Alex Mansfield Jan 10, 2018

    Eternal is true to its genre and, more importantly, it's true to itself. It speaks plainly, but with a delicate sense of nuanced ferocity. It delivers a blitzkrieg of stillness as it examines that what we leave behind is what will go forward anew: a series of moments, some loud and some deathly silent. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - C.K. Stewart Jan 30, 2018

    Lindsay's slow, thoughtful pacing keeps the story feeling eerie and unsettling, as a proper spooky ghost story ought to feel, and though the villain of the piece does not feel especially threatening through the early pages, Lindsay builds Eternal to a startling climax that's unexpected without feeling jarring or out of place. Read Full Review

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