Dreamer's Gate & Rough Stuff
Who do you call when children are disappearing into thin air like magic? Or when your TV is turning the watcher into a mutant abomination? Or when a demon is possessing your computer?
Cthulhu Williams and Co. That's who.
An ex-cop/con with an immunity to monsters, a time traveling amazon from the future, and a stoner grey alien. They'll find a fix for what ails you.
This is one of the best first issues I've ever read, and I honestly can't wait to see where this story goes. I'm not usually a huge horror fan or dark science-fiction lover, but Stiles got me with this issue hook, line, and sinker. I encourage you to seek out this first issue and follow as this writer and his artist continue to grow. Read Full Review
In the indie world zero issues are often a version of a preview book so I take this for what it is. Overall I think this zero issue is a good tool to draw attention to the creative team. It's clear from the author's notes and the extra content that this is a labor of love. I hope the creative team learns from this process and is able to continue the series with a full number one issue soon. Read Full Review