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Critter #8

Writer: Tom Hutchison Artist: Fico Ossio Publisher: Big Dog Ink Release Date: February 5, 2013 Cover Price: $3.5 Critic Reviews: 1
7.5Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

  • 7.5
    Comic Book Bin - Diego Chi Feb 22, 2013

    Critter is straightforward, elegant, and fun. Hutchison avoids the overbearing melodrama found in a lot of superhero comics, making the book lighthearted and pleasurable to read (unlike some others... *ahem* I'm looking at you, Wolverine). This is only the second issue I've read from the series (I had previously flipped through issue #1) and I was surprised by how easily I could grab ahold of the various plot threads without feeling lost or confused-- a testament to the accessibility of the writing. I admit there is little uncharted territory plot-wise and the scantily clad supporting cast is guilty of being very cheesecake, so the simple joy of the book does have a few trade-offs. Nonetheless, issue #8 is a solid part of a very enjoyable series. I look forward to picking up the next one. Read Full Review

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