Aspen's newest hit series reached its gripping finale!
The pulse-pounding ending to volume one begins here! The Wasteland Trading Company and the merciless Carnies square off in a battle that is a long time coming. However, the results of this fierce bloodbath could put Lola's fate-as well as her life-in jeopardy!
One of 2014's most exciting debuts, LOLA XOXO is taking you on an incredible adventure unlike any other!
So overall, the book looks great and reads well, with high production values. If the conclusion is a truffle confusing, I would recommend checking out the previous issues. You will be in for a visual treat. Read Full Review
Lola XOXO #6 is a solid conclusion that does more then enough right in my book to earn praise and recognition. For that reason, and the five other issues we've invested in, the finale does indeed earn a recommendation. Read Full Review
Similar to Zenescope's Robyn Hood series (right above you, silly), I haven't been all that crazy about Aspen Comic's six-part miniseries, Lola. Sure, it's got plenty of violence, action sequences, and betrayal (pretty much what you'd expect from a story set in a dystopian society), but it's been lacking in characterization and complex plot development. However, writer Siya Oum's conclusion tidies up any confusion with an emotional package of redemption. Read Full Review
Lola XOXO #6 is an issue that's a little too big for its britches and suffers from an overuse of internal monologue. Read Full Review