This issue reminds me of the Archie stories of my youth, where everybody has a particular character quirk (Archie's smitten, Ronnie's vain, Juggie's disdainful, Betty is clinically insane) and the punchline comes at the end. Everybody laughs. Curtains. But I haven't read an Archie book this gorgeous since the heydey of Dan DeCarlo, with Gisele's art perfectly complimented by excellent inking and coloring. Archie #636 is a fun, frenetic bon-bon of an issue, setting out to entertain and doing so in fine fashion, earning 4.5 out of 5 stars overall. I wouldn't analyze it too deeply, just enjoy Valerie Brown looking like Kofi Kingston and have a soda... Read Full Review
I applaud Archie Comics for examining difficult topics, but this one falls flat as Tania Delrio can't decide between outdated gender jokes and serious commentary on the male bias in American society, leaving the comic to fall on its own sword by attempting to balance on the edge. Read Full Review