Archie #4

Writer: Mark Waid Artist: Annie Wu Publisher: Archie Comics Release Date: November 25, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 16 User Reviews: 17
8.4Critic Rating
8.7User Rating

The biggest comic series of the year continues! What was the "lipstick incident" that pushed Archie and Betty apart? And can the smartest boy in Riverdale fix it? The spotlight is on Dilton and Moose as, together, they show what friendship is really all about! We're pleased to welcome Annie Wu (Black Canary, Hawkeye) to Riverdale, as she takes over art duties in this brand-new issue!

  • 10
    The Fandom Post - Josh Begley Nov 25, 2015

    Ever since the reboot, Archie has become one of the best written and drawn comics on the shelf. The artistry with which each issue plays out is amazing and largely intangible unless you know what you're looking for. I think that writers and artists will definitely appreciate this for its craftsmanship, but even if you're just a casual reader, the humor, the warmth, and the genuine emotion behind every scene is more than worth the price of admission. Dr. Josh gives this an". Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    GWW - Gabbie G. Nov 25, 2015

    The circumstances of the break-up are pitch perfect; I only wish we could have seen a little more into Betty's brain(yes, yes, I know the book is called Archie). She's clearly not into a "high femme" sort of look for herself based on her regular fashion choices, but that doesn't mean she's opposed to experimenting with it, or wearing a dress now and then " but is her current look based on her own preferences alone, or has Archie dissuaded her from dressier indulgences before as well? Hard to say, but maybe these questions will be answered in future issues; I look forward to seeing Betty's perspective, past and present, though it's also clear we'll be seeing more development into the Archie/Veronica relationship (!) next, as well Betty, Jughead, and Reggie (!!) scheming to derail it. I could not be more sold. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Nov 25, 2015

    This issue finally delves into the infamous "Lipstick Incident" and just what drove former power couple Archie Andrews and Betty Cooper apart. Waid deftly blends humor and bittersweet tragedy as he sheds light on the incident. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Nov 29, 2015

    The series continues to defy my original skepticism - it's a solid new take on the classic tale of boys likes girls! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Outright Geekery - Ashley Gibbs Mar 28, 2017

    Now that Archie #4 has answered one of the most burning questions in the series, things can only move forward. Despite the break up, it's clear both parties still have feelings for one another but they also are open to moving on or at least trying to do so. Another classic Archie story is also included in this issue, this one tackling Archie going on a "date" with Betty, who likes him but he doesn't notice. Mirroring the story just told, Archie puts his foot in his mouth and bungles things with Betty. I find the parallels between these new and old stories to be one of the highlights of this series for sure. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    ComicWow!TV - Bhavna Bakshi Nov 25, 2015

    Needless to say, this issue is a really good one. We get to see the history of present day Riverdale, and boy does it tell us a lot. I'm really curious to see what Betty, Jughead, and Reggie have planned for Archie and Veronica. There's no turning back now! If you even moderately like(d) Archie, you can't miss this awesome new, revamped series. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Richard Gray Nov 25, 2015

    In updating the formula, Archie is no longer just about the hijinks surrounding teen romance, but about the complex landscape that youth have to navigate in learning to become adults. The plots are not so much soap-operatic as reflections of the heighten sense of drama and immediacy that surrounds every moment of emotion as a teenager, and Waid has tapped into the psyche of the youth without having to pander. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    Comic Plug - Toben Racicot Nov 25, 2015

    I really had no idea what to expect from the #lipstickincident. While it kind of felt cliche and done before, I think it's actually really powerful. I don't want to give spoilers, but it basically comes down to who we are. Are we what we wear? Are we what we do? Think about it. There are even some great Jughead moments. I am very happy with Archie #4 and recommend it to everyone who has been following the series. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Needless Essentials Online - Stan Ford Nov 23, 2015

    I like the book very much but find it a bit of a letdown as it spends so much time explaining the past the current subplots get very little progression. I believe firmly based on the first four issues that Mark Waid is playing the long game with this story, and that we're going to get characters that grow and change slowly, instead of the perpetual characters that were a staple of the old Archie Comics. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Multiversity Comics - Matthew Garcia Dec 3, 2015

    The upcoming issues promise more of Veronica and it looks like Waid'll be having fun exploiting the teen love triangle plot for a bit. But he's shown that he's more than capable of balancing the funny, sad, and exciting elements of “Archie.” It's too bad Wu does only this issue, because her style settles well for Riverdale. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    First Comics News - Richard Vasseur Nov 29, 2015

    The backup story “The Great Lover” is from Archie Comics # 36, 1949. Very cute art in this story. Betty is drawn so lovely in her formal dress. Betty is wearing her war paint and on the hunt but her prey is oblivious to her intentions. Poor Betty and poor Archie. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Jim Johnson Nov 25, 2015

    Wu captures a more understated sense of Archie's clumsy obliviousness later on that helps lift the story from the rather somber direction it takes, utilizing a series of classic gags in a cleverly structured page that's both a nod to old school laughs as well as a play on the new look of the franchise. "Archie" #4 continues the success of the title's new look, and its departure from this template shows just how effectively the reimagining lends itself to more modern and varied storytelling techniques. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    Project Fandom - Rexlor Graymond Nov 30, 2015

    Though this is Archie's show, Betty is a character who's quickly becoming a favorite and issue four has solidified mine and hopefully many other readers' attitudes on who is the more dynamic teenager. Read Full Review

  • 7.7
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Nov 25, 2015

    Archie #4 gives us the answers we wanted though the execution could have used a bit more work. The moment itself was great, though most before that didn't carry the build up of anticipation needed. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Spartantown - Enrique Rea Nov 24, 2015

    It's inevitable that not each issue is going to be a homerun. Waid hit it big during the first three issues and stumbles with a lazy dribbler down the line with issue four. Wu seamlessly takes over the pencils with plenty of energy and style even lifting Waid's clumsy script along the way at times. We may know what drove Archie and Betty apart, but it wasn't the big deal we were led to believe. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    PopOptiq - Logan Dalton Nov 23, 2015

    Archie #4 is an excellent showcase for Annie Wu's energetic depictions of friendship, romance, and heartbreak with subtly powerful colors from Andre Szymanowicz and Jen Vaughn. Sadly, Mark Waid's script gets bogged down in a cycle of dated and cliched teen melodrama instead of exploring the relationship and falling out between Betty and Archie in more depth. However, Jughead is funny as ever, and Veronica lights up the few pages she appears in. Read Full Review

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