The Damaged #2

Publisher: A10 Release Date: December 14, 2011 Critic Reviews: 1
8.4Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Dec 20, 2011

    Damaged slows down a little bit here with what it wants to do by focusing on the past between Henry and Frank and making it clear what went down all those years ago. While Frank's path has been pretty clear from what we saw in the first issue, getting a better handle on Henry makes things a lot clearer here, especially with how he lived his life for many years and the things he did. But also that Frank knew about it, at least in more recent memory, and had followed what he had accomplished. With these two men explored pretty well here, the focus will turn more towards Jack and Henry's potential protege which looks like it could make for an interesting avenue to explore. The story moves well here overall, fewer jumps that are better handled, and when again combined with the appealing artwork, it's definitely telling a fun little crime story that you can easily see being cinematic. Read Full Review

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