-- JUDGE DREDD // BLOCK JUDGE: Dredd's continuing to crack down on this block. Although the story jumps around a lot, it's a fun way to experience the day-to-day life of a block judge. -- STICKLEBACK // THE THRU'PENNY OPERA: I don't know who this Bob character is, but he seems kind of interesting compared to the rest of this boring story arc. -- GREYSUIT // PRINCE OF DARKNESS: The secret agent junk is like concentrated boredom. At least the flashbacks are slight engaging. -- ICHABOD AZRAEL // ONE LAST BULLET: Ichabod is the only other strip besides Dredd that is holding my interest. I particularly like this talking horse. -- KINGDOM // AUX DRIFT: Oh goodie, we finally got some dialog between the characters only to get interrupted by yet another attack by Them. Kingdom seems like a great concept, the art is certainly the best of the whole prog, but it's got about as much substance as and empty paper bag. -- OVERALL: 2000AD has plummeted since the 1900 issue. Dredd is the only exceptional strip, with Ichabod following as the only other entry worth reading. Unfortunately, all of these strips are just getting started so it's going to be a crummy couple of months moving forward. I hope nobody jumped on at prog 1900 with their hopes up. more