Scott Reese's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Book Bin Reviews: 1
9.0Avg. Review Rating

Astonishing X-Men (2004) #20

Feb 17, 2007

Whedon is at his best in space as this issue is truly his best in a line of good but not nearly great issues. This issue moves at a brisk pace but never lose the characters along the way. The scattering of characters has formed new groups made up of Wolverine and Armor (Hisakos new codename), Colossus and Kitty, and Agent Brand, Cyclops, Emma, and Beast. The dynamic between Hisako and Wolverine really is the highlight of the issue for me. Their banter back and forth just reinforce Whedons ear for dialogue. Maybe why I liked it so well is that I always liked the stories where Wolverine takes a young lady under his wing ala Jubilee or Kitty. Though, I never understood how a hard ass like Logan kept such odd company.

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