Morgan Davis & Danny Djeljosevic's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comics Bulletin Reviews: 2
7.0Avg. Review Rating

Butcher Baker: The Righteous Maker #3

May 28, 2011

Danny Djeljosevic: My touchstone for Butcher Baker is All-Star Batman and Robin, where Batman recklessly drives Dick Grayson in the Batmobile for like three issues. Instead, in this case it's Butcher Baker driving a big fucking star-spangled truck for three issues, much to the chagrin of the sheriff, who reminds me of J.W. Pepper from the Roger Moore-era James Bond films.

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Alpha Flight (2011) #0.1

May 20, 2011

"Danny: Overall, I dug this issue, but I am not Canadian, so I didn't really pick up on any overt sense of Canadian-ness, at least. At least, it doesn't feel as exaggerated as the first couple issues of that Great Ten miniseries before I gave up on it. I did, however, laugh a bit when they said "province." Don't they know we call them states here?

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