Josh Stone's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comics Bulletin Reviews: 17
7.2Avg. Review Rating

Agent X #10

Apr 29, 2003

Alright, now its time to wrap it up. The plot was bad, but it had its ups (not many, but they were there). There were a couple good one-liners that youd expect to see in an Agent X comic, but they were tired one-liners. The art was, well, it was from the not good category. The best panel of art was of the cat eating the Chupacabra head. Which is probably the only reason to buy this issue.

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Human Torch #2

May 19, 2003

After reading this youre probably wondering why I continue to pick up the Human Torch comic. Its simple really, as much as it comes off that I do not like this title, I really do. True, I am a bit let down, but its still worth reading. If you like the Human Torch or the Fantastic Four, or the word burn, then you should definitely be reading this book. Well not right now, youre still reading this, unless youre one of those talented people who can read two things at once.

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Captain America (2002) #13

May 19, 2003

Alright, Im only going to say this once, and then deny it later. Do not buy this book, just go to the comic shop, flip it open to the page with the Captn all huddled up, then put it back. Nothing really happened in the issue that youll need to know for the next one. So, just save your 3 bucks and buy something else, take a look at the other reviews, Im sure something good is out.

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Captain America (2002) #14

Jun 16, 2003

All I can say is that Im very happy the book is back on track. If you were thinking about dropping this title after the lack luster issue 13, stop thinking that way. Everything is going to be alright, or at least I hope so. Either way, this issue was very well crafted, and I am once again looking forward to the next issue.

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Green Lantern (1990) #164

May 20, 2003

Overall I really enjoyed the Black Circle story arc. It was well written by both Winick and Raab, and the art was decent enough for a comic with the Comic Code stamp on it. Like Ive said countless times, that damn ring drives me crazy. Rayner just has to think, I would like to see four foot tall girl scouts kicking you in the shin, and then there they are kicking and selling crappy cookies.

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Mystique (2003) #1

May 6, 2003

If the first two reasons best describe you, then you really need to buy this book. If the last two are more to your liking, you might want to just borrow it from someone or looking at it in the comic shop. If youre one of those strange combinations, then good luck.

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Mystique (2003) #2

Jun 2, 2003

The second issue blew the first completely out of the water. I said to myself before buying this issue, Wally, if this issue is like the last, dont buy it again, and it wasnt like the last issue, which means I will still be dishing out the money for it next month. But its money well spent. So, if youre like me and didnt like the first issue, this one should be more to your liking, which means you too might be dishing out money again next month.

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Avengers (1998) #67

Jun 2, 2003

The Avengers are Earths Mightiest Heroes, do you really need another reason to read this book? With a catch phrase like that, its bound to be worth the couple bucks. Not every title can go around saying theyre the mightiest, but the Avengers can, and if you dont believe them then read the book to see for yourself. The title is really good, and worth checking out, I say that like you dont already know that.

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Batman #614

May 5, 2003

I dont think I really need to tell you to read it, Im sure most of you have read it a couple times now. But the heading does say Final Word, so I guess Ill do it. Go pick up this book, its good. (Talk about an understatement). In all seriousness though, besides Detective Comics, Batman is the best Bat title out right now for a reason, and that reason is; cauliflower.

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Character #1

Jun 11, 2003

Like I said, Im not quite sure where Jason is from, Im thinking somewhere in Florida because he mentions the state in his Introduction. What Im guessing is this book is really hard to find. So, I thought Id give you the link to check out a sample of the comic, if you enjoy it there is a link to contact Jason (his e-mail address is listed under the Blog section of the website), Im sure hed be happy to sell you a copy. Im very much aware that its probably unprofessional of me to shamelessly promote anothers comic in such a way, but I really dont care. For anyone who is interested, here is the link

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Flash (1987) #198

Jun 2, 2003

As I said earlier, this series is great. A lot of people just pass by The Flash without so much as a how ya do, and thats just wrong. Flash is a wonderful title that should be on every super-hero fans monthly pick-up list. It has everything a great super-hero story should have; action, drama, suspense, and good values. Notice I said super-hero not anti-hero which is a whole other list. Back to the Flash, its a great buy, and any fan of Geoff Johns will definitely like The Flash.

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Kore #1

Apr 23, 2003

There really isnt much more to say about this issue. If you havent read it yet, then shame on you. If you have read it, then read it again, if not for me, then for the children. Either way, go out, buy both covers, and tell everyone how good it is. In the strange case that you may not like it, tell people about how horrible Game 7 was for the Colorado Avalanche, and shed a little tear.

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Misplaced #1

Jun 2, 2003

What more can I say that I havent already covered? Not much. If you like previous books that Devils Due has put out, then this one is worth a look. Other than that, Ive said all I can say about the book, now its up to you, the noble comic readers, to check it out for yourselves.

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Titans / Young Justice: Graduation Day #1

May 19, 2003

A very well written and well illustrated comic. If you like YJ or the Titans, then youre really going to enjoy this book. Sadly however, there is now Lil Lobo, I kept out hope that just maybe theyd bring the little guy back, but such was not the case. Either way, great book, on its way to being a great mini-series.

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Ultimate X-Men #32

May 5, 2003

All in all, this book was great. Great story, great art, a whole panel that said VAM. If the VAM doesnt convince you enough, how about Kuberts drawings of the President? The book is only $2.25, thats a great deal for a title like this, and the Ultimate titles use that cool slick paper (you know that would usually cost like fifty cents more).

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #52

Apr 29, 2003

Final word, final word? Theres too many: great, wonderful, splendiferous, youneedtobuythisbookcauseitsgreat (does that count as one word?). Amazing Spider-Man is probably the best comic being done right now, and its no surprise why. I learned how to read on Spider-Man comics, and with issues like this, Im not ashamed of that. Not that I was before, but you know what Im getting at. If you like Spidey, then youve already read this book, so there is no point in telling you why you should go read it - if you don't, then pick it up and you might start!

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JLA: Scary Monsters #2

Apr 23, 2003

So, you want to know why you should pick up this book? Perhaps I didnt mention Chris Claremont wrote it. Oh, I did, didnt I? Well then, I dont see why you need any more convincing. If you havent read the first issue, Im pretty much sure youre out of luck. Youll probably have to bum it off a friend, wholl in turn make you sign some papers agreeing that no harm shall come to their book. However, if you were lucky enough to read the first issue, but havent picked up the second one, then quickly go down to your local comic book shop and get it. You might want to have someone drive you, cause you wont be able to wait til you get home to read it. Further more, Im a little disappointed you waited so long, stop wasting time and go get it.

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