Errick "Mr. Enigma" Perry's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Booked Reviews: 3
7.0Avg. Review Rating

Samurai Jack #6

Mar 24, 2014

Did you like this issue? Are you excited to see Jack fight alongside a familiar ally? Let us know in the comments and feel free to like and share! Hope to see you next time for more Comic Booked dopeness! Peeeeace.

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X-Files Conspiracy #2

Apr 1, 2014

In the spirit of fun, there is an extra scene, an alternate ending in a parallel dimension, where all of the key players, (minus TMNT, Transformers, and Ghostbusters) have a metafiction moment. It is a scene where they are still racing against the clock, discussing alternate fates and realities due to their recent discoveries of the presences of time travelling and dimension hopping, and ultimately face the facts of the possible effects that sending Trooper Crow into a dimension jumping machine could have; in which they all die. As for the fans that stuck through this event, those folks are left with an apathetic final drop in the roller coaster, where they were left going, Wooooooo? Thats it?

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X-Files Conspiracy: The Crow #1

Mar 18, 2014

Ultimately, this comic book story is missing both the legendary flair of undead rocker Eric Draven as The Crow and FBI agents Scully and Mulder and falls short with an otherwise intriguing premise.

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