David Akers(david@comicspectrum.com)'s Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Spectrum Reviews: 1
6.0Avg. Review Rating

The New 52: Futures End #19

Sep 19, 2014

I want to like this series more than I do, as a DC fan I should like it more than I do. Its writers have proven track records. Its art is great, with the realistic style that I prefer in modern comics. But where DC's 2006-2007 series 52 left me wanting the next issue, Future's End mostly leaves me feeling mostly indifferent and dissatisfied. 19 issues in, I'd really like to see more about the war which lead up to the events in the book, an often mentioned but never explained war with Earth 2. There's still time for this series to pick up the pace but one has to wonder about who (other than hard core DC fans) is still picking this up after 19 weeks and will new readers jump on in the middle of the story?

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